Advanced Xactimate CAT Course (2021)

This course covers all aspects of a CAT claim. From getting organized and set up for claims before the storm hits, to accepting claims, an XactAnalysis review, parts of the claim, photos, sketch processes, using estimate items-building the estimate, setting up and using macros, setting up fee bill and TASR and uploading your completed estimate […]

Storm Prep Jump Start Certification

2020 Storm Prep Jump Start Certification: Mandatory module for all BSA CAT adjusters and reviewers; geared to experienced adjuster, beneficial for all adjusters being deployed by BSA. This module teaches you advanced packaging and submitting CAT Claims skills

MANDATORY Deployment Guidelines Module (2020)

2020 Deployment Guidelines: Mandatory training module on the 2020 BSA Claims Services deployment process, including credentialing processes, overview of other adjusting trainings, carrier guidelines, inspecting guidelines; submitting files for internal review deadlines; adjuster expectations, timely contacts; required notes to be entered.